2013. december 12., csütörtök

Sub Userform1_Initialize() For i = 975 To 1301 ComboBox1.AddItem i Next i End Sub Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() For j = 8 To 32 If ComboBox1.Value < Cells(j, 6) Then Label1.Caption = Cells(j, 2) End If Next End Sub
Function otbetus(R As Range) As Integer otbetus = 0 For Each x In R If x = "" Or IsNumeric(x) = True Then MsgBox ("Ne írj számokat ,és ne hagyd üresen pls.") End If If Len(x) = 5 Then otbetus = otbetus + 1 End If Next MsgBox ("Ennyi cellában van öt betűs szó: " & otbetus) End Function
Sub elso() Dim i As Integer nev = InputBox("Mondd a nevet! ") For i = 9 To 32 If Cells(i, 2).Value = nev Then MsgBox Cells(i, 1) End If Next End Sub
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